Towards a procedural definition of Administrative Law

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Oscar Alvaro Cuadros


An administrative law procedural definition implies a link between constitutionally recognized personal and political autonomy, jurisdiction conferred to the administrative agencies by the law, regular procedures and proportioned outcomes that support a reasonableness standard for the administrative decisions. Thus, administrative decisions become reasonable by following a process based on a political and procedural theory of justice, not according to a substantive idea public interest. Additionally, an administrative law procedural definition focuses on the regularity of government action and not on the administrative decision itself. It is made by means of a non-arbitrary government and, in this endeavor, it seeks to establish a simple model of administrative action of the government and its judicial review.

Article Details

Doctrina: Estudios e Investigaciones
Author Biography

Oscar Alvaro Cuadros, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina)

Doctor en Derecho, Catedrático de Derecho Administrativo, Director de la Maestría en
Derecho Administrativo de la Economía (U.C.Cuyo/U.N.Cuyo). Profesor visitante de las
Universidades de Oxford (2019) y París 2 (Phatheón-Assas) 2016. Dirección Postal: San Rafael
1668 Oeste (2), San Juan, Argentina. Correo electrónico: