Discretionary powers of the national highway administration in the use of lateral routes and in the transfer of facilities

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Alfredo Francisco Vial Rodríguez


The National Highway Administration (NHA) requires a special authorization for use of public roads and lateral routes, authorization considered by the concessionary companies as contrary to the rights established by the concession itself. The Contraloría General de la República (Government Accountability Office) has limited the powers of this authorization, even when has declared it legal. In transfer and change of service issues, the principal problem is not solved, because the high impact of the transfer operations in the construction contracts do not decrease.

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Author Biography

Alfredo Francisco Vial Rodríguez

Abogado, LL.M en Derecho Regulatorio, Pontifi cia Universidad Católica; MBA, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Universidad de Chile; Jefe División Jurídica, Dirección Nacional de Vialidad