Distinctive features of public drinking water supply service. Private service of public interest in Rural Water Systems (APR)

Main Article Content

Christian Rojas Calderón


This article examines the background of the current configuration of public services, by introducing and characterizing the typology of Private Services of Public Interest (SPIP). Next, it analyzes the case of rural drinking water systems (APR), on a factual and legislative level. Finally, the goal is to verify the suitability of the figure of the SPIP to the case of study, in particular to what extent and with what limitations their theoretical requirements are met in contrast with reality. Closes this work, the corresponding conclusions.

Article Details

Doctrina: Estudios e Investigaciones
Author Biography

Christian Rojas Calderón, Universidad Católica del Norte

Profesor Asistente de Derecho Administrativo y de Derecho de Aguas de la Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile).