Integrative therapies used in perinatal health

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Natalia Villegas
María de los Ángeles Aguilera
Lauren Poupin
Báltica Cabieses


Integrative therapies have acquired more relevance in the past decades. There has been a growing use of them in combination with conventional therapies over time worldwide. Objective: To determine the effects of integrative therapies use in pregnancy, progression of labor and delivery. Methodology: A search was conducted in 6 databases and 25 articles were selected. These articles describe different therapies used: aromatherapy, acupressure, acupuncture, massage, use of natural medicines, moxibustion, hypnosis, reflexology, music therapy, relaxation, yoga and hydrotherapy. Results: The integrative therapies showed different effects on perinatal health. Pregnancy: cephalic version in breech presentation cases, increased fetal movements, decreased depression symptoms, uterine relaxation, stress and anxiety reduction, reduction in preterm pregnancies, hypertension and uterine growth restriction. Labor: positive induction effect, decreased length of stay, reduced oxytocin use and pain, less pharmacological analgesia, anxiety, nausea and vomiting, and also relaxation. Delivery: some therapies reduced perineum tears and affect the type of delivery. Conclusions: The majority of the integrative therapies have shown to be useful and produce several benefits in perinatal health. However, this positive impact was influenced by the type of therapy, the effect and the time at which the therapy was administered. One of the most effective is the acupuncture. Further studies are required to assess the impact on the fetus, newborn and for evaluating their effectiveness with the use of conventional therapies.


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How to Cite
Villegas, N., Aguilera, M. de los Ángeles, Poupin, L., & Cabieses, B. (2009). Integrative therapies used in perinatal health. Horizonte De Enfermería, 20(2), 35–43. Retrieved from
Bibliographical Review
Author Biographies

Natalia Villegas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Enfermera-Matrona. Magíster en Enfermería con mención en Gestión UC. de Chile

María de los Ángeles Aguilera, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Enfermera-Matrona. Hospital Clínico Universidad Católica de Chile

Lauren Poupin, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Enfermera-Matrona. Magíster en Salud Pública Universidad de Chile

Báltica Cabieses, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Enfermera-Matrona. Magíster en Epidemiología