THE Rigth to accompaniment during childbirth

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Laura Wallace
Loreto Lara


In Chile, personal attention during childbirth is an explicit legal guarantee in healthcare. It is every woman's right to be accompanied by her partner or another person during childbirth. This literature review stems from clinical observations made during an international exchange course. Objective: this literature review examines the benefits of accompaniment during childbirth for the mother, the theoretical right of a mother to be accompanied within the Chilean healthcare system, and compares theory with clinical observations. Methodology: scientific literature investigating the effects of accompaniment during childbirth and the official Chilean healthcare policies as expressed through Ministry of Health publicity and a review of women's comments on on-line forums from the program Chile Crece Contigo were examined. Clinical observations during May 2009 to the maternity units of one public and one private hospital in Santiago, Chile were then recorded. Analysis: accompaniment during childbirth reduces anxiety, increases confidence, and increases mothers' satisfaction levels with their birth experiences. It reduces the duration of labor, level of pain, need for anesthetic use, and surgical interventions, including the need for Caesareans. In Chile, approximately 40% of women are accompanied during childbirth. Conclusion: only some women have access to accompaniment during childbirth even though it is a legal right. The failure of healthcare professionals to honor this right could be related to lack of will, information, or infrastructure. It is necessary to implement strategies which assure the fulfilment of this right so that all women have the opportunity to enjoy the described benefits of accompaniment during birth and have a positive and satisfying birth experience.


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How to Cite
Wallace, L., & Lara, L. (2009). THE Rigth to accompaniment during childbirth. Horizonte De Enfermería, 20(2), 45–51. Retrieved from
Bibliographical Review
Author Biographies

Laura Wallace, Luther College

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) from Luther College, Decorah, lowa with majors in Biology and Spa nish. USA.

Loreto Lara, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Enfermera, Candidata a Magíster en Enfermería, Instructora Adjunta, Oficina de Asuntos In ternacionales, Escuela de Enfermería, UC. de Chile.